TAMI Industries Legal Information
Published By :
TAMI Industries S.A.S
Z.A Les Laurons
CS 65
26111 NYONS Cedex
Phone: +33 475 264 769
Fax: +33 475 264 787
E-mail : tami-info@tami-industries.com
Legal Notice
Pursuant to Article 6 of the law n°2004-575 in date of June 21th 2004, for the confidence of the digital economy, it is specified for the users of the website TAMI Industries, the identity of the different stakeholders involved in creating and monitoring the website
Owner: TAMI Industries – Zone d’Activité Les Laurons, 26110 Nyons.
Designer: TAMI Industries – Zone d’Activité Les Laurons, 26110 Nyons.
Website hosting: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
The Content of this Site is owned and copyrighted by TAMI Industries SAS, Copyright ©.
All rights reserved. Except as stated herein, none of the material may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of TAMI Industries SAS. You also may not “mirror” any material contained in this Site without express written consent from TAMI Industries SAS. Permission is granted to display, copy, distribute and download the materials on this Site for personal, non-commercial use only, provided that you do not modify or alter the materials and that you retain any and all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in these materials. This permission terminates automatically if you breach any of these terms or conditions. Upon termination, you must immediately destroy any downloaded and printed materials. Any unauthorized use of any material contained on this Site may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.
Updated: May 2020.
TAMI Industries S.A.S (word mark, figurative, three-dimensional mark, colour per se), INSIDE CéRAM™, Filtanium™, INSIDE DisRAM™, Isoflux™, Valisette, Mini-filter, Zig-Zag, Helicopter, (word mark, figurative, three-dimensional mark, colour per se), are trademarks of TAMI Industries SAS and its subsidiaries in other countries. Some of these trademarks are also registered in other countries. Users are not permitted to use trademarks, logos and service marks without prior written consent. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Copyright © TAMI Industries S.A.S All rights reserved. TAMI Industries S.A.S, Z.A Les Laurons CS 65 26111 NYONS Cedex. Updated: May 2020.
No representations or Warranties
The information given on this website is provided by TAMI Industries S.A.S “as is” and without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to non-infringement. Though the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include inaccurraties or errors. TAMI Industries S.A.S will not be liable for any damage or injury, including but not limited to failure of performance, omission, defect, error, interruption, online failure or computer virus.
No Licence
Please understand that while TAMI Industries S.A.S has endeavoured to present to you an interesting and innovative website, TAMI Industries S.A.S must protect its intellectual property rights including its trademarks, registered designs and copyrights. As a result, nothing in this website shall create or imply any license or grant of rights to the information disclosed hereunder. The persons having access to such information shall not have any right, title or interest in or to any of such information.
Privacy policy
This privacy policy informs you on the collection method, process and protection of your personal data.
This privacy policy applies for the whole personal data collected by TAMI Industries and can be updated if necessary. You can request a copy at this address: dpo@tami-Industries.com
Collected personal data
TAMI Industries collects the personal data via forms over its website:
- Civility, sur name, first name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Postal address
- Function
- Corporate name of your company
- Country of residence
The company TAMI Industries can be required to communicate your personal data to the following organisms to successfully perform its professional activities:
- Our suppliers and commercial partners, under contractual work, who operate services on behalf of the company TAMI Industries (order dispatch, secured payment service, paper mail and e-mail dispatch services)
- Companies of TAMI Industries network. We can transmit personal data to realize internal reports or answer to customer’s request. You can consult the list of TAMI Industries local representatives here.
- The organisms laden with the application of the law to comply with the legal obligations, and protect our or third party rights.
TAMI Industries, under no circumstances, will sell your personal data to a third party.
Finality of the personal data process
TAMI Industries only collects the information related to its activity for:
Broadly speaking:
- Treat request and reclamations
- Propose an offer adapted to your needs
- To contact you in case of eventual satisfaction enquiries or commercial prospections by our company, unless opposed by you,
- To analyze your preferences concerning our services and develop new offers while keeping in respect your fundamental liberties.
- To realize internal documents as statistics studies.
Contractual and legal level:
- To fulfill our contracts on time with our customers.
- To ensure the follow-up and the delivery of our solutions.
- To issue and conserve a proof of our transactions and payments of our invoices.
- To respect our legal obligations towards third party such as fiscal authorities.
To respond to legal obligations over the protection of data and data archiving.
Your rights regarding your personal data
As user of our services and owner of your personal data, you have rights:
Right to access and rectify the set of your personal data: you can acquire, update, complete and delete your personal information.
Right to oblivion/ to erasure: you can request to delete all your personal data and to no longer be contacted.
Right to limitation: you can request to limit the process of your personal data. In that case, we will keep only the data to treat reclamations.
Right to portability: you can transfer for free your personal data from one service to another.
Right to oppose: you can oppose to the use of your personal data for legitimate motives as unsolicited commercials advertising.
Right to legal recourse: you can present a reclamation to the CNIL or your local protection of the personal data authority.
To exercise your rights, you can send a request at this following address: dpo@tami-Industries.com
We invite you to contact us to update or modify your personal data if those have recently changed.
Personal data storage life
Personal data are solely conserved the necessary time to realize TAMI Industries company services. Personal data can be stored up to 3 years from the first contact. Passed this period, personal data will be deleted.
Personal data transferred out of the UE
The company TAMI Industries carries business over an international territory. Your personal data can be transferred, stocked and treated in a country outside the European Union.
Those transfers are supervised to ensure an appropriate protection of your personal data, in accordance with the rules in force. For more information on this matter, please contact us on this address: dpo@tami-Industries.com
Use of the cookies
A cookies is a small file sent by the intermediary of the web hosting bbbserver to the browser to register information related to the navigation of the user on the website.
Cookies allow us to facilitate the future navigation of users to our website and measure website audiences with purpose to improve our services.
Personal data issued from cookies are stored for 13 months following consent and then are deleted.
You have the right to refuse the use of cookies: to know more about